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Threshold-based decision-making relates to monitoring pest populations to determine when they reach unacceptable levels. Monitoring usually involves scouting and trapping. Contact Springfield MO Pest Control now!

Environmental factors limit the growth of some plant-eating pests. Natural predators and parasites can suppress some pest populations.


There are several prevention strategies that can be used to keep pests away. These strategies may include sealing entry points, cleaning and organizing storage areas, properly disposing of trash, and conducting regular inspections by trained professionals. These strategies are usually less expensive than a treatment and do not use chemical products that could harm people or pets.

Prevention is especially important in enclosed spaces, such as dwellings; schools, offices, and hospitals; and food preparation and processing areas. In these spaces, pests can spread disease, spoil food, and contaminate work surfaces. In addition, rodents can gnaw through walls and pipes, while insects cause allergies and asthma attacks. Pests also destroy plants, and the pathogens they carry can threaten human health and the quality of foods.

The goal of prevention is to prevent a pest problem from occurring in the first place. This can be achieved by using a combination of physical, biological, and chemical techniques that will best manage the pests and create the least disturbance to the environment. Threshold-based decision making is often used in pest management, meaning that pests are only treated if their numbers reach an unacceptable level.

Preventing pests is the most environmentally conscious and responsible method of pest control. However, some pests are difficult to prevent, and the best approach is a combination of prevention and control measures.

Sealing entry points is a good way to stop most pests before they can damage your home. This can be done by using a high-quality sealant on any cracks or crevices that pests might use to enter. Regularly inspecting the property and removing trash is also important in preventing pest infestations, as is keeping landscaped areas well-maintained to eliminate any places where pests can hide.

Biological pest controls include predatory species, parasitic organisms, and other natural processes that control pest populations without the need for harsh chemicals. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that monitors pests and their damage, then uses a combination of preventive measures including changing cultural practices, habitat manipulation, and use of resistant varieties.

Chemical methods of pest control are typically the last resort when all other options have been exhausted. They should be carefully chosen, applied according to instructions, and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws.


Pests are undesirable organisms (such as insects, diseases, weeds, nematodes, vertebrates and viruses) that damage or spoil crops, food stores, garden plants, livestock, human structures, clothing and furniture. In addition, they may displace or destroy native plants and negatively affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Suppression strategies aim to reduce pest numbers and damage to an acceptable level using methods that cause as little harm to non-target species as possible. This can be achieved by combining preventative, biological, and chemical control tactics.

A key step in planning a suppression strategy is identifying the pest that needs controlling. This allows you to determine basic information about the pest, including its life cycle and how it causes damage. It also enables you to decide what type of action to take. For example, a few wasps flying around your home every now and then probably won’t warrant any control actions, but seeing them consistently in high numbers may signal it’s time to put the fly catcher out!

Some environmental factors, such as weather or topography, limit the number and spread of some pests. Cultural controls, such as plowed fields, crop rotation, and removal of infested plant material can deprive pests of comfortable habitats or inhibit their movement. Physical barriers, such as netting over fruit and screens in greenhouses or fences around gardens can deter insects and rodents. Chemicals, such as fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides can be used to directly kill or repel certain pests.

Biological pest control uses natural enemies to injure or consume pests, usually in combination with other controls. The microbial community plays an important role in disease and pest suppression through antibiosis, competition, predation, herbivory and parasitism.

Biological methods are especially effective in regions where chemical controls are not available. However, they typically require some patience as the organisms may take some time to establish themselves and become fully functional.


Pests are annoying and can damage your property. They are also a health risk, posing serious threats to your family and pets by carrying dangerous bacteria and viruses that cause disease in humans and animals.

Pest management strategies aim to keep the damage caused by pests below what is considered acceptable. This tolerance level is called the threshold. Once the threshold is established, monitoring takes place to ensure that the pest population does not climb above the desired level. The tolerance level is usually based on economic and environmental considerations. For example, there is a zero tolerance for bacteria in operating rooms and other sterile areas of health care facilities.

The best way to prevent pests from infesting your home is to maintain cleanliness and to eliminate their food sources. You can do this by cleaning up food residues and removing potential habitats like piles of sawdust or mud tubes on foundations. Pests can also enter homes through cracks and holes so you should regularly inspect your house and patch any openings found.

Another strategy for pest control is the use of natural enemies, such as parasites, predators and pathogens, to manage or eradicate a pest population. This approach is sometimes referred to as biological control. The biological control agents may be introduced directly to the pest or they may be augmented by their native enemies in the field. This approach is more complex than chemical controls. There is often a time lag between when the population of the natural enemy increases and when the pest population is controlled.

When the natural enemies of a pest are used, they must be correctly identified so that the correct species can be introduced to control the pest. This is especially important for biological control agents, which can be more expensive than chemicals.

The most common method of eliminating a pest population is the use of pesticides, but they can be harmful to people and the environment. Overuse of pesticides can lead to the development of resistance in pests and can also affect beneficial insects and wildlife. Rotating pesticides and using other control methods can help reduce the need for chemical treatments.

Natural Forces

Pest control involves a trade-off between avoiding harm to plants and animals that are not pests, or their damage to crops, and preventing the loss of ecosystem services (e.g., water supply, soil fertility) that humans rely on. The goals of pest control include prevention — keeping a pest from becoming a problem — suppression — reducing pest numbers or damage to an acceptable level — and eradication — destroying a whole pest population. Preventive measures include crop rotations, leaving field margins for year-round habitat, and using agroforestry techniques, such as intercropping, to promote diversity in the landscape. Suppression methods include chemical pesticides, organic products, biological controls and habitat management. Eradication can be achieved with biocontrol methods, which rely on natural enemies to limit the population of pest insects. These natural enemies can include predators, parasitoids and pathogens that attack, slow or kill insect pests; or they can reduce the number of insects by displacing them, blocking their breeding, or releasing pheromones to confuse males or prevent reproduction.

Natural forces also refer to environmental conditions, such as the weather, humans cannot control that but may affect human health and the functioning of plants and animals. Universal natural resources and physical phenomena that do not involve massive civilized human intervention, such as air, water, sunlight, electricity, and magnetism, are also considered part of this category.

Identifying the factors that determine natural pest control requires a combination of empirical studies to build consensus on drivers of behavior across systems, and the development of mechanistic understanding, based on ecological theory and available expert knowledge. The goal is to develop an archetype model for each system and, based on its predictions, compare it with observed responses to land-use gradients in different cases. Similarity in responses between case studies will verify the archetype model.

To facilitate archetype modeling, a “living” database should be created to collect empirical information on the characteristics of systems and their responses to land-use gradients worldwide. Then multivariate statistical techniques should be used to reduce the dimensionality of this data and identify groups of systems with common attribute values. Then, mechanistic models should be developed to link these group attributes to the processes that drive the behaviors of those systems.