Rodents and other pests can cause extensive property damage. Noises, odors, and gnaw marks on woodwork, food packaging, wires, and walls indicate a pest problem that requires immediate attention.

Preventative measures include sealing cracks and crevices around doors and windows, storing foods in airtight containers, and eliminating standing water in plant saucers and bird baths. Modern technology makes Pest Control Kansas City safer and more effective.

pest control

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a common-sense approach to controlling pests that can cause harm to people, property, or the environment. It reduces the need for chemical controls by focusing on prevention, controlling conditions that make pests thrive, and using the least toxic pest control methods when needed.

IPM includes monitoring, scouting and accurately identifying pests and their habitats. It then determines whether or not an action threshold needs to be reached and, if so, what the appropriate action should be. It uses a combination of techniques including non-chemical, biological, and cultural methods to manage pest populations rather than attempting to eradicate them.

Pesticides are only used when necessary, and the least toxic alternatives are always preferred. NIFA partners with land-grant universities, researchers, and educators throughout the country to develop new ways to solve pest problems using IPM. This work includes the development of pest-specific pathogens — organisms that kill or debilitate their host insects — such as Bacillus thuringiensis, which targets caterpillars.

NIFA also works to communicate the value of IPM through its efforts, such as the National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management, which is coordinated by the Federal Integrated Pest Management Coordinating Committee (FIPMCC), chaired by the Office of Pest Management Policy. The Road Map helps identify priorities and coordinates federal activities on IPM issues across landscapes, urban and rural. FIPMCC is composed of representatives from federal agencies with IPM research, implementation, or education programs and the USDA-funded Regional Integrated Pest Management Centers. Those centers are critical for the information exchange and regional coordination that is an essential part of IPM. This enables the entire IPM community to make informed decisions about the use of pest control methods that minimize economic, environmental, and health risks.

Canine Inspections

Canine inspections are an effective way to detect bed bug infestations because of the dogs’ heightened sense of smell. When trained specifically for this task, the animals can cover much more ground in less time than humans, allowing them to detect even low levels of the pests’ scent.

The best way to prepare for a canine bed bug inspection is to remove any strong odors from the property before the day of the inspection. This includes avoiding any foods with a strong, lingering aroma like bacon or tacos. It’s also a good idea to extinguish all smoking materials and empty ashtrays before the inspection, as these scents can mask or interfere with the canine’s ability to find the bed bugs’ pheromones.

It’s helpful to move any furniture, especially beds and headboards away from walls so the canines can easily inspect baseboards which are common hiding spots for these pests. It’s also a good time to clear treatment areas of clutter, as this will help the handler and canine find the bed bugs more quickly.

We are proud to be a leader in bed bug detection services using trained canines. This is one of the most cost-effective ways to detect a bed bug infestation, as early detection can prevent the spread of these parasitic pests and reduce the overall cost of treatment. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment for a canine bed bug inspection. Our experienced and professional staff can help you get rid of the pests for good!


Drones are a growing trend in the pest control industry, offering increased efficiency and safety for both residential and commercial applications. A drone can carry out many tasks, such as inspections, surveying and mapping, and even photography. Adding to its benefits, drones are also becoming more affordable.

For rodent control, drones can help locate rat trails and nests so that a rodenticide can be dropped directly onto the targeted area. This reduces the amount of poison needed, prevents exposure to other animals or pets in the home, and saves time and money for both homeowners and pest control technicians.

Pesticides are effective at eliminating pests, but they can have negative effects on ecosystems and non-target organisms, including insects that play an important role in crop production. With the PATS bat-inspired drone system, we can deliver insecticides precisely where needed, eliminating overuse and protecting other organisms.

Drones can be used to monitor and map pest infestations over large areas, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming manual inspections. They can also be equipped with spraying systems to allow for direct treatment application, further minimizing pesticide usage and reducing environmental impact.

Moreover, advanced object detection models in drones enable faster identification of pests, saving time and effort for front-line technicians. This allows for more efficient monitoring and response to pest threats, allowing for quicker responses and improved overall pest control outcomes. Drones are also a great tool for quickly inspecting hard-to-reach spaces, such as crawlspaces. Check out this video to learn more about how the company uses drones for a wide range of pest and rodent control services. Ultimately, drone technology is expected to play an increasingly significant role in pest management and agriculture as its sensor technology, flight capabilities, and data analysis continue to improve.

Drain Line Injections

A drain line injection is a new pest control technology that utilizes bacteria to keep pipes clear. The microorganisms are directly introduced into drain lines and act to break down fats, oils, and greases, thereby eliminating blockages and other problems associated with poorly maintained drains. This technology also helps to significantly reduce odors and can lower the breeding site for nuisance insects like fruit flies, moth flies, and phorid flies.

Other innovative pest control methods include the use of food attractant traps to monitor and capture adult flies; ultraviolet light traps to suppress their numbers; and boric acid dust or appropriately labeled botanical insecticides (liquids or slow-dissolving blocks) to kill fly larvae. However, a thorough inspection of conducive conditions, exclusion, sanitation, and monitoring, and a focus on the elimination of infested debris can make the biggest difference.

Mechanical pest-trapping devices that use pheromones can disrupt mating patterns and monitor populations of target insects. These traps are effective both preventively and suppressively. Advanced detection systems that use sensors and data analytics are also game-changing tools for identifying pest activity, reducing the need for blanket spraying and enabling more targeted treatments. Microbial agents, such as Bacillus thuringiensis and fungi, can also be used to inhibit pest growth and development. Finally, modern genetic technologies such as CRISPR gene editing and RNA interference can be used to manipulate the genes of specific pest species.

Another way to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship is to employ biological pest control strategies, such as predator and parasite releases or the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Beneficial predatory insects and nematodes can be introduced into areas affected by unwanted pests and will hunt or consume them to manage their populations. Pathogens, such as certain bacteria, fungi, and viruses can be used to infect and sicken pests, further managing their populations.

Thermal Foggers

Foggers are devices that vaporize pesticide products and disperse them into the air as a fine mist. These machines are used for several applications, from sanitizing to pest control. Foggers are available in a variety of sizes and can use different chemicals depending on the specific application.

Thermal fogging is a very effective method of protecting your home from harmful pests or insects. It is also very helpful in fighting molds and getting rid of different types of odors. The advantage of using this type of equipment is that it uses less amount of pesticides than other spraying methods. It is safe to use because the ingredients are dispersed in very small quantities that do not harm people when they come into contact with it.

It is also useful in combating mosquito infestations, as the fog created by these devices can remain suspended in the air for a long time. These machines are ideal for indoor pest control because they produce very little smoke and do not emit exhaust gases. Foggers are also very affordable when compared to other spraying devices, making them an excellent option for many homeowners.

Another innovation in pest control is the use of IoT sensors to monitor facilities for signs of pests. These sensors provide real-time alerts and can help prevent infestations before they become a major issue. An example of this is detecting rodents and other pests in facilities through motion sensors and infrared technology.

Foggers are also useful during a viral outbreak, as they can be used to quickly disinfect large areas of an establishment. This is especially beneficial for restaurants and hotels that may be experiencing a high volume of pests or guests suffering from a virus like COVID-19.