Therapeutic massage is a powerful tool for relieving stress and alleviating pain. Studies show that it also helps reduce the frequency, intensity and duration of anxiety attacks and mood swings.

In addition, therapeutic massage increases blood circulation, allowing oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to flow throughout the body more efficiently and eliminating waste products that build up in muscles. Contact Massage Therapy Tulsa for professional help.
Stress is a part of life but it can become a problem when it becomes chronic. High levels of stress can lead to a host of symptoms including muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, irritability and anxiety. The good news is that there are many ways to relieve stress and one of the best is through massage therapy.
During a massage, friction is created between the skin and fingers which increases blood flow. This increase in circulation results in a rise in muscle temperature and the release of toxins. When these toxins are released, the muscles relax and the tension is relieved. Moreover, massage stimulates the lymphatic system to remove metabolic wastes more efficiently. This also helps to reduce stress as a buildup of metabolic wastes can cause pain, swelling and restricted movement which then leads to frustration and an increased sense of stress.
When you receive a massage, your body releases endorphins and serotonin which are the brain’s natural feel-good chemicals. These hormones help to decrease cortisol and boost tissue elasticity. Cortisol is produced when the body is stressed. It increases glucose in the bloodstream, enhances the brain’s use of glucose and curbs functions that are nonessential during a fight-or-flight situation. These actions make it difficult for the body to digest food, fight disease or reproduce.
A one-hour massage lowers cortisol in the body while increasing serotonin. This hormone neurotransmitter is sometimes referred to as the “happy chemical” because it reduces feelings of depression and carries signals between nerves and your body. As a result, a massage could be considered an hourlong hug, as it can alleviate the negative effects of stress on both the body and mind.
Reduces Anxiety
Massage has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety and enhance emotional resilience for people of all ages. It can also help a person better cope with chronic stressors such as test-taking, work, or anticipation of invasive medical procedures. Research has demonstrated that massage decreases the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases the production of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. These effects can last after a session has ended.
Many people seek massage to alleviate symptoms of chronic stress and tension, including irritability, depression, insomnia, and digestive disorders. Regular massage can also lower heart rate and blood pressure, which may improve circulation and immune function, allowing your body to more effectively fight off illness.
While there is a lack of research on the specific mechanisms of how massage relieves anxiety, anecdotal evidence and positive results from open trials indicate that regular massage therapy has a strong impact on reducing moderate to severe anxiety for people of all ages. The frequency of sessions can be tailored based on the individual’s needs and can be combined with other self-care techniques such as yoga, meditation, healthy eating habits, and adequate sleep to maximize benefits.
During a massage session, the most effective technique for staying mindful is simply to breathe deeply and enjoy the sensations of each inhale and exhale. If your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to your breath and allow yourself to relax more and more with each inhale. You can even set a timer on your phone to remind yourself to take deep breaths during your massage.
When a massage is over, you may notice a brief feeling of disorientation or being “massage drunk” (we love to call this post-massage glow). This is due to the rapid decrease in cortisol and the increase in positive hormones. Just stay hydrated and you should be back to normal in about 15 minutes. We recommend you drink water after each massage to rehydrate and to continue enjoying the mood-boosting effects of your feel good hormones.
Reduces Pain
Massage therapy manipulates the soft tissue of the body, loosening tight muscles and reducing pain. The technique of kneading, tapping and stroking stimulates nerves to block pain signals from reaching the brain. Depending on the individual patient, massage can also stimulate the release of hormone-like substances called endorphins, which function as natural painkillers.
When you receive a therapeutic massage, the therapists will likely ask you a series of questions regarding your medical history and current symptoms. This helps them tailor the massage to your specific needs and ensure a safe and effective session. It’s important to be open and honest with your answers, so your massage therapist can provide you with the best possible experience.
The physical manipulation of the tissues during massage also increases blood flow to any congested areas in the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and tissues to help them heal. This also allows the body to carry away waste products, such as lactic acid and other toxins.
Massage may be especially helpful in reducing fibromyalgia pain and arthritis pain, as well as easing the stress and anxiety associated with these conditions. Moreover, it can reduce the inflammatory chemicals that contribute to these conditions by decreasing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body.
Studies indicate that massage lowers the heart rate and blood pressure, as well as relieves tension and stiffness in the joints and back. Furthermore, a massage may improve flexibility and range of motion, thus preventing future muscle soreness and stiffness.
One study found that people with chronic back pain experienced reduced pain after receiving a series of regular massages. Interestingly, this improvement was more pronounced in those who received massages more than once a week versus less frequent or no massages at all.
The most effective way to enjoy the healing effects of a massage is to relax and completely immerse yourself in the experience. Breathe deeply and consciously, focusing on the rhythm of your breath to calm your mind and body. Try these mindfulness meditations from Tamara Levitt to get the most out of your massage experience.
Promotes Healing
Massage improves blood flow and stimulates the body’s lymphatic fluid system. The squeezing, twisting and pulling action of massage techniques improves the flow of these waste clearing fluids and helps the body to release toxins. The increased circulation enables the body to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, tendons and ligaments.
The relaxation effects of massage also help reduce inflammation and improve circulation and flexibility. In addition, the manipulation of soft tissue can help to decrease pain signals sent from the brain. This is especially true with the less intense types of massage such as Swedish or light touch, although some patients may need a combination of styles in order to find the right one for them.
Many people suffer from chronic pain due to muscle or joint injuries, postural problems or illness. Remedial massage is a highly effective form of treatment for injury management and rehabilitation. This is achieved by balancing the muscles, tendons and ligaments to support the return to normal joint/capsular/bone position. This helps to reduce pain from injury, speed healing, reduce stiffness and restore function.
Research has shown that the stress hormone cortisol and excitatory hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine are reduced with massage therapy. This can help alleviate depression and anxiety. The calming effect of massage also stimulates the production of hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine. These hormones can also aid the body’s response to injury by reducing pain, increasing movement and improving immune functions.
In addition, massage increases cell regeneration and encourages the production of cytokines, which are the cells responsible for the immune system’s defense against disease. Studies have also shown that massage increases the number of mitochondria in cells, which is associated with the growth and repair of damaged tissue.
The good news is that there are very few side effects to massage, except for the rare case of a bruise or swelling in a sensitive area. It is always a good idea to communicate with your therapist about any areas that are sore or painful before the massage begins. It is also important to let the therapist know if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant so they can avoid using pressure on any sensitive areas.